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The Best Equipment To Upgrade In Dave The Diver

Aug 16, 2023Aug 16, 2023

You'll want to upgrade these first in Dave the Diver.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sail the high seas, catch exotic sea creatures, discover lost wreckages, and find treasure, all while running a successful business? Well, that's Dave's life. Dave the Diver is a fun game where you go on adventures on your small fishing boat, explore the blue hole, and catch exotic fish and sea creatures to serve at your budding sushi restaurant.

Related: Dave The Diver: Complete Guide And Walkthrough

The sea can be treacherous, and the catches can be challenging to find or beyond the capacity of your equipment during the early game. The solution to that is upgrades. But these upgrades cost in-game money, and some are more important than others. So, which upgrades should you prioritize?

Dave is a diver; it's in the title of the game. As a diver, you will need to submerge yourself deep underwater to gain some exciting rewards potentially. However, your air tank must be top-level to achieve the best rewards. That deserves early and swift attention.

The bigger the tank, the more time you can spend underwater and the better your chances of finding more interesting and rarer rewards. You can swim against the current more efficiently, are better suited for underwater battles, and are better prepared to wrangle in more challenging catches.

Following the trend, Dave's diving suit is another vital piece of equipment that needs attention as often as possible. At the base level, the diving suit can only allow you to dive to specific depths, and the deeper you dive, the better the rewards.

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Staying on top of your diving suit's capabilities is an excellent way to maximize your progress in the game. Since your depth level goes deeper with each upgrade. Getting alongside the air tank is a critical upgrade to gain rare finds for your restaurant.

Dave's harpoon gun is your primary piece of equipment in the game. It is a powerful weapon, tool, and equipment that can be used for fishing when wrangling in big catches and in combat to defend against sea monsters.

The harpoon has an unlimited supply of ammo, making it an ideal tool for any activity that requires it. The more upgrades you add to the harpoon, the more damage it can dish out and the more valuable it becomes.

The level of your cargo box determines the amount of loot you can bring back with you after every voyage. With every upgrade to your cargo box, you can return with more loot to help your business flourish.

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The cargo box is a critical upgrade to get early on as it helps you make the most of your dives and yields hefty results from each voyage unless you get attacked by sea monsters that damage your boat and cause loss of loot and catches.

The blue hole is filled with treasures and creatures you need and want to find to thrive as a diver and restaurant owner. However, among the sea creatures and wreckages, dangerous sea creatures make the waters treacherous and unsafe sometimes. Upgrading your weapons can make the waters safer.

The harpoon is a solid tool that also serves as a weapon, and upgrading it gives you more security. Still, you'll eventually need to improve your arsenal and add more weapons that need upgrading. These weapons are picked up or crafted; whichever way you get your hands on them, you'll need them at a high level to get through some of the dangerous waters and encounters of the blue hole.

Most conventional fishermen have a net with which they wrangle up several catches at once or one big catch. Dave the diver also has a net tool for wrangling big catches at once; a net gun.

At the start of the game, the net gun isn’t impressive because the nets are too small and can’t catch the bigger fish, so it is essential to upgrade this vital piece of equipment as it is an integral part of the fish-catching process in the game.

Another fundamental mechanic in the game is the restaurant business you must cater to. After you’ve caught enough fish, you must supply them to your restaurant to be made into dishes.

You can hire staff like servers and cooks to help cater to your business. Upgrading the staff will make them more efficient at their jobs, and they can satisfy the customers quicker. Upgrading the serving staff will allow them to pour drinks, which is a game changer as the task is very time-consuming and customers could lose their patience before you fulfill their orders.

While running the restaurant, you have the opportunity to serve a variety of dishes to your customers. These dishes continue to vary as you catch a more comprehensive range of fish.

Introducing new dishes is always a plus, but upgrading the dishes you already have is even better. Once the dishes have been enhanced, their quality and taste improve, resulting in a higher selling price.

Next: Dave The Diver: Beginner Tips

Uriel Nengi is a skilled writer and dedicated gamer with several years of experience. He is passionate about his writing and the gaming world. As a gaming content writer, he saw an opportunity to combine two of his favorite things. Uriel Nengi spends most of his free time playing video games or deepening his knowledge in the world of gaming and all things geekdom.